Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

The Job_ Emergency Administration

The Job_ Emergency Administration

Q Consider a specific job within the criminal justice system. What characteristics of that job are sources of motivation, and what characteristics may lead to dissatisfaction or burnout? How would you redesign the job to emphasize the first set of characteristics and deemphasize the others?

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An example, which I have chosen within the criminal justice system, is the position of a police officer. The first thing regarding this position is that one needs many years of experience and has several years of motivation. The sources or characteristics of motivation are that a police officer is bound to serve and protect the citizens in order to create as well as maintain a safe and secure environment. It will doubtlessly give a sense of mastery and responsibility to the people who are holding this position and following so, a police officer can be successfully motivated when he will see that the criminals caught by him or her are being punishments accordingly and the victims are acquiring the required justice.